As an organization founded by women and for women in San Luis Obispo County, we feel it is important to support women and children in our community.
Currently, members of The Monday Club work together with community members through several programs and nonprofits dedicated to enhancing the educational, civic, social and cultural quality of the San Luis Obispo community.
Please scroll down to read more about our involvement and visit our community partners and affiliates.
Each section contains a link to that organization's website, where you can find more information and donation opportunities.
FINE ARTS AWARDSEach year The Monday Club Conservancy hosts a fine arts competition & awards for high school students in classical music, jazz music and visual arts. FINE ARTS AWARDS | RAISING A READERTMC members volunteer as classroom readers, fundraise on behalf of Raising a Reader, and collect and distribute donated books to children. RAISING A READER | LUMINA ALLIANCETMC members directly contribute donations, gift cards, and personal care items for women through Lumina Alliance. TMC & LUMINA ALLIANCE |
![]() DIVERSITY COALITIONThe Monday Club is an Affiliate Organization of Diversity Coalition. Learn more, join in the next event, and watch past event programs. DIVERSITY COALITION |
JEWISH FEDERATION OF SLOTMC supports the mission of the JCC to foster a united community through programs and services offering educational, social and recreational activities. | ![]() LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERSTMC works with LWV of SLO to celebrate voting rights for women and share voting and community information. Visit here for upcoming online events. LWV SLO | LWV | OPERA SAN LUIS OBISPOThe Monday Clubhouse Conservancy provided a beautiful and secure performance venue for virtual recitals. OPERA SLO | VIRTUAL RECITAL AT TMCC |
SLO CHAMBER OF COMMERCETMC is an active member of the SLO Chamber of Commerce. Our fundraisers, clubhouse, and many of our activities are open to the community. SLO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE | SLO COUNTY OFFICE OF EDUCATIONTMC works in partnership with the SLOCOE in the areas of literacy and history, to provide reading materials and history education programs. SLO COUNTY OFFICE OF EDUCATION | SLO MUSEUM OF ARTTMC supports the mission of SLOMA, to "enrich our community by using art as a doorway to deeper insight and connection." SLO MUSEUM OF ART |